How Wealth is Created with Lewis Schiff

How Wealth is Created with Lewis Schiff

In this module, you will:

  • Learn YOUR language and discover what you're best at and how to maximize your compensation for it.
  • Begin to practice perseverance as you discover why adversity is the most exclusive mentor to the self-made wealthy.
  • Upgrade your network by inviting "luck" and "magic" into your life through rebuilding your network.

Lewis Schiff is the Chairman of the Board of Experts for Birthing of Giants Fellowship Program. He is the executive director of Moonshots and Moneymakers, the Oxford Innovation Conference for American Entrepreneurs. He is the author of 4 books on success and has built two start-ups that were sold to publicly traded companies.

To learn more about Lewis, go to

The First Habit by Lewis Schiff

In The First Habit, Lewis Schiff asks the question - Can you rewire your brain? Since 2005, Lewis has been researching the behaviors of America's most successful people - self-made millionaires who built businesses around what they do best. In Schiff's eyes, this is the new American Dream: do you and do well doing it! Expect the best return on your time, on your investment, on your talents. In The First Habit, Schiff, who has interviewed over 1,100 self-made millionaires, including many of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world, describes the attitudes you must master in order to realize this dream.

Click HERE to obtain a FREE copy of this outstanding book.

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